What is Sujok Therapy? - Yogaducation

What is Sujok Therapy?

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What Is Sujok Theray?
Su means hand while jok means palm. With the help of sujok, various kinds of illnesses can be treated. There is no need for any precautions to be taken during the treatment. It is a method to heal the diseases by stimulation of the hands and feet with a combined use of acupuncture, finger pressure therapy or even with a blunt needle or tip of the ball- point pen.

Pressure Points In Sujok Therapy
The torso is reflected in the palm whereas the head and neck are represented on the thumb. The forefinger and the little finger correspond to the hands whereas the middle fingers to the legs.

The treatment involves only hands and feet and hence a simple method to follow and practice. Since hands and feet are the locations of systems of active points corresponding to all organs and part of the body, stimulation of these points produces a curative effect. This method is universal.

There is no need for any precautions to be taken during the treatment.

Benefits of Sujok therapy
1. Heals injuries
Sujok therapy greatly benefits of all types of injuries related to neck, feet, hands, joints, etc. In fact, it also treats inflammation, and related disorders like gout, arthritic pain, & carpel tunnel syndrome along with several skin and reproductive problems.

Weight loss
This therapy has a huge potential to control obesity. It increases blood circulation and reduces the extra lipids. In detail it works on the energy concept of treating through the points on the palmand feet, with an objective of increasing blood circulation and letting in the vital energy flow, while reducing the extra lipids.

This therapy make use of seeds, star magnets, semi – precious stone along with pressure stimulation; which can help in relieving many problems like diabetes and kidney stones.

Mental Disorder
It also treats mental disorders like depression, phobia, anxiety, addiction, etc.

It also helps to treat physical disorders, Insomnia, back pain etc. Likewise, to cure depression, anger, fear and worries, sujok is an ultimate therapy for soul and body that provides natural treatment to the patients, who otherwise, depend on pills to cure such diseases.

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