How to do Bhujangasana & Benifits of Cobra Pose - Yogaducation

How to do Bhujangasana & Benifits of Cobra Pose

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(cobra pose)


How to do this Asana?

If you want to do this asana try these steps :-
These are the steps to do bhujangasana :-

• Lay down flat on your stomach.
• The soles of your feet should be facing upwards and the back of your feet should be facing down.
• Bring your hands closer to your body, placing your palms right beneath your shoulders muscles.
• Shift your body weight on your palms, inhale slowly and lift your head up.
• Now, lift up your upper body (till your abdomen), stretching it upwards and outwards.
• Your lower body should still be touching the ground
Using both your abdominal and back muscles, bend your back backward as much as you can.
• Depending on your flexibility, your arms may or may not be stretched completely in the final position.
•Hold this pose while inhaling and exhaling slowly.

Cobra Pose

BENEFITS Of This Asana

•Digestion improve/ gives energy.
• Opens up the lungs and heart and helps to reduce the risk of respiratory diseases.
• sciatica/ strengthen the spine.
• stimulates abdominal organs.
• helps relieve stress and fatigue.



If you suffer from the following problems, you should not practice this asana:

•Back injuries
•Injuries of neck or wrists.
•Carpal tunnel Syndrome.

Also, do not practice this pose if you have recently had an abdominal surgery or if you are pregnant.

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