Patanjali yogsutra Quiz Part-1 (English) - Yogaducation

Patanjali yogsutra Quiz Part-1 (English)

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Patanjali Yogsutra Quiz -1 (English)

1 / 15

Who is the creator of Jain Darshan ?

2 / 15

Who is the creator of Mimansa Darshan?

3 / 15

Who is the creator of Vaisheshika Darshan?

4 / 15

Who is the creator of Chaarvak Darshan?

5 / 15

How many sutras are there in kaivalya pada?

6 / 15

Who is the creator of baudh Darshan?

7 / 15

How many sutras are there in in Vibhuti pada?

8 / 15

Who is the creator of Vedant Darshan?

9 / 15

How many sutras are there in Samadhi Pada?

10 / 15

Which darshan does not comes under Naastik ?

11 / 15

Who is creator of 'Sankhya darshan'?

12 / 15

Yogdarshan comes under which type of 'Darshan'?

13 / 15

How many sutras are there in yogdarshan?

14 / 15

How many sections are there in Yog Darshan?

15 / 15

Who compiled the first yoga text in a systematic way?

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